The Most Important Part of Your Vacation

As you are probably well aware, the last 6 months has been anything but normal. You’ve seen it in your own world, no doubt, as well as in the lives of those around you. You’ve likely had to change plans numerous times, and you may have even had to cancel a vacation with your spouse or family. If you have not personally had to cancel a vacation or experience, there is a really good chance that you know someone who has.

In this quick, but deeply personal blog post, we want to remind you of the most important part of your travel experiences, us, your travel advisors! Your vacation is far more than just a “trip” to us, it is an adventure, an experience that we take great pride in, and for that reason, we are the most important element of your vacation. Read on to find our more of what it has looked like to a Travel Advisor in your corner over the last 6 months…

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1. When our POTUS made the announcement to close the borders between Europe and the US, we had several families in Europe. Before the press conference was over, we had woken them up in the middle of the night telling them to pack their bags, had cars waiting for them at the hotel to get them to the airport immediately, had their new flights booked before they got to the airport and home before the chaos even began.

2. We have spent hours and hours on the phone, advocating on our client's behalf for refunds on cancelled vacations. I can honestly tell you that we have recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in refunds that would not have been received had the clients not worked with CTC.

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3. We have studied, learned and are 100% familiar with the new protocols for each destination where we send our clients, from the Caribbean to Disney World. We provide our clients with current, up to date (and ever changing and evolving) information to help our travelers have everything they need to fly and arrive into open destinations. We have watched travelers get turned away at airports because they didn't have the correct documentation to travel. But not our clients!

4. When a country's protocol changes at the last minute, which it does frequently, our team has made last minute arrangements to relocate our clients so that their vacations, honeymoons and special adventures are still a reality, and not just another canceled plan.

If you are not using a travel advisor for all of your future travel, PLEASE consider doing so. Of course, we hope that you would allow us, the CTC team, to be your advisor, but if not, then find an advisor who is knowledgeable, who cares about YOU and your experience, and who will be there for you if something doesn't go just right. You don't want to be on your own here, guys, and you don't want a travel advisor who's been sitting around for the last six months twiddling their thumbs wondering what's going on.

#UseATravelAgent It's for your own good.

And thank you, Samantha Brown, for saying so!

To our clients who continue to trust us with your vacations, thank you! And to those who are looking for ‘the most important part of your vacation’ - we look forward to being a part of your adventures in the {very near} future!

Katelyn Mitchell